in the beginning, there was nothing.

and then there was light.

and then, like a river of blood, came dark themes and dark patterns.

in the beginning, the web was a vast, open plain where information flowed freely.

and then, like a swarm of locusts, came infinite scrolls and needless animations.

in the beginning, there was craft.

and then, like the devil himself, came the content and the spectacle.

no more.

we stand at a crossroads.

one path leads deeper into the labyrinth of over-design, of bloated websites that prioritize form over function.

the other path leads back to the essence of the web.

a return to flat design is not regression; it is evolution.

it is the stripping away of all that is unnecessary, leaving only what truly matters.

this manifesto is a call to arms.

a rallying cry for designers, developers, and users who believe in a better web.

a web that respects our time, our attention, and our desire for information without obstruction.

join us as we reclaim the screen, pixel by pixel.

1. flat is freedom

abolish shadows. eradicate gradients. embrace the purity of solid colors and clean lines. depth is deception; flatness is truth.

2. the screen is sacred

every pixel matters. websites shall occupy the full canvas, utilizing space with purpose and precision. no dead zones. no wasted potential.

3. death to the scroll

scrolling is submission to poor design. information shall be accessible, immediate, and complete within the viewport. navigate, don't excavate.

4. simplicity is strength

minimize clicks. maximize efficiency. every interaction should be intuitive, every path clear. complexity is weakness; simplicity is power.

5. stop the spill

content must be contained, controlled, curated. no more infinite feeds. no more bottomless pits of information. give users boundaries, not endless voids.

6. function over form

beauty lies in utility. design serves the user, not the designer's ego. if it doesn't enhance usability, it doesn't belong.

7. embrace the grid

the grid is our foundation to align elements with mathematical precision. structure is salvation.

8. load time is life time

every second of loading is a second stolen from the user. optimize relentlessly. flat design is fast design.

9. accessibility is non-negotiable

design for all, without exception. high contrast, clear typography, and logical layouts are not luxuries — they are necessities.

10. resist the trends

bloated libraries are the enemies of efficiency. we stand firm against the tide of frivolous fads.

here are the rules of golden design.

here are our 10 golden commandments.

stop the spill.

claim back the screen.

claim back beauty.


in the beginning, there was nothing.

and then there was light.

and then, like a river of blood, came dark themes and dark patterns.

in the beginning, the web was a vast, open plain where information flowed freely.

and then, like a swarm of locusts, came infinite scrolls and needless animations.

in the beginning, there was craft.

and then, like the devil himself, came the content and the spectacle.

no more.

we stand at a crossroads.

one path leads deeper into the labyrinth of over-design, of bloated websites that prioritize form over function.

the other path leads back to the essence of the web.

a return to flat design is not regression; it is evolution.

it is the stripping away of all that is unnecessary, leaving only what truly matters.

this manifesto is a call to arms.

a rallying cry for designers, developers, and users who believe in a better web.

a web that respects our time, our attention, and our desire for information without obstruction.

join us as we reclaim the screen, pixel by pixel.

1. flat is freedom

abolish shadows. eradicate gradients. embrace the purity of solid colors and clean lines. depth is deception; flatness is truth.

2. the screen is sacred

every pixel matters. websites shall occupy the full canvas, utilizing space with purpose and precision. no dead zones. no wasted potential.

3. death to the scroll

scrolling is submission to poor design. information shall be accessible, immediate, and complete within the viewport. navigate, don't excavate.

4. simplicity is strength

minimize clicks. maximize efficiency. every interaction should be intuitive, every path clear. complexity is weakness; simplicity is power.

5. stop the spill

content must be contained, controlled, curated. no more infinite feeds. no more bottomless pits of information. give users boundaries, not endless voids.

6. function over form

beauty lies in utility. design serves the user, not the designer's ego. if it doesn't enhance usability, it doesn't belong.

7. embrace the grid

the grid is our foundation to align elements with mathematical precision. structure is salvation.

8. load time is life time

every second of loading is a second stolen from the user. optimize relentlessly. flat design is fast design.

9. accessibility is non-negotiable

design for all, without exception. high contrast, clear typography, and logical layouts are not luxuries — they are necessities.

10. resist the trends

bloated libraries are the enemies of efficiency. we stand firm against the tide of frivolous fads.

here are the rules of golden design.

here are our 10 golden commandments.

stop the spill.

claim back the screen.

claim back beauty.